SMS on 9821231939. or Call 7738698083
Routine appointments please contact the reception nos. 47764845, 48263537, 26283600, 26285700. An appointment can even be taken a few days to a few months in advance for routine consultations. Urgent same day appointments could be tried requesting the reception. If not available please SMS on 9821231939, stating in detail what the urgency is and I will try my best to get you an appointment on the same day itself by an SMS revert. Urgent appointments will not be given by way of phone calls or WhatsApp.
We value your time and try our best to have the least waiting for a consultation. However, this may not always be possible because of various factors like the varying time required for each consultation. Hence there can never be an assurance for a maximum waiting period and waiting times could get extremely prolonged especially for extra appointments. Please bear with us for the same.
There has to be an appointment taken to show the reports either with me or my assistant which will usually be given at the time of asking for the tests. Please note that reports are strictly not to be sent by digital media including WhatsApp, mail or SMS except in very extreme circumstances where previous permission is required to send them by mail only. Again this is in an extreme circumstance with prior permission, not otherwise.
In view of opds and multiple hospital visits and emergencies, there is no scope for me to make house visits for any reason at any time. Hence it is prudent to please keep in touch with your family doctor/general practitioner for minor ailments, advice, certificates at home, house visits etc. even if you are regularly following up with me. I can definitely help by coordinating with the doctor telephonically whenever necessary.